21. september


Mala apokalipsa_Minor Apocalypse
alvaro petricig_slovenia_41min

Znanstveno fantastični dokumentarec osnovan na resnični zgodbi o mrtvi vasi v dolini Nadiže.
Science fiction documentary based on a true story – the death of a village. Cisgne is (was) a small settlement in the Nadiža valleys.

Tekočina življenja_The Liquid of Life
pini schatz_israel_50min

Film raziskuje medicinske, kulturne, psihološke, jezikovne, umetniške in kinematografske pomene o tekočini, ki je bila tako zelo všeč vampirjem.
A cinematic voyage through anxieties of blood. The film investigates the medical, cultural, psychological, linguistic, artistic and cinematic meanings of liquid that vampires tend to like so much.


Bela Sonata_White Sonata
manon coubia_belgium_27min

“Stara sem 6 let. Smo v učilnici. Močna svetloba prihaja skozi okno za mojim hrbtom. Sošolec Philippe mi je na uho zašepetal skrivnost, ki pa je nisem slišala….”
“I am 6 years old. I am in a classroom. Lots of light is coming through the window behind me. A boy from my class Phillippe came up and whispered a secret in my ear. And I could not hear his secret…”

Nič krompirja_No Potato
rosh abdelfatah_nederlands_40min

Pet mladih, pet življenje, pet zgodb iz Rotterdama o mladih muslimanih in njihovem dojemanju zahodne družbe in doma.
Five young people, five lives, five stories from Rotterdam of young people with the islamic backgroung and their perception and feelings of western society, their home.

antti savela_sweden_1min

Moja mati je imela rada ptice. Po celem dvorišču je imela zanje krmilnice, ki jih je napolnila trikrat dnevno. Moja mati je sedaj ptica.
My mother loved birds, my mother had feeders of all sorts throughout the yard, she filled the feeders 3 times a day. My mother is a bird now.

mario kovač_croatia_24min

Režiser filma se je iz Zagreba preselil v majhno vas, daleč od mesta in dosežkov civilizacije. Med drugim v svoji novi hiši nima dostopa do interneta, potrebnega za svoje delo. Tako začne iskati alternativne možnosti.
Director of this film moved from the capital into a small village, away from the city and civilization achievements. Amongst other things, there is no Internet access in the new house, which is necessary for his work so he starts to explore alternative options.


Golobji moški_Pigeon Men
marryanne christodolou_australia_8min

Skupina moških, obsedenih s športom golobjih letov, nas popelje v svoj svet.
A group of men obsessed with the sport of pigeon flying take us into their strange world.

Magia Russica_Magia Russica
yonathan zur and masha zur_israel / russia_96min

Magia Russica se sprehaja med sliko in zvokom Rusije ter animiranih filmov. Ruski animatorji z nami delijo svoje ideje o umetnosti, kinu in njunih povezavah. Film o ruski animaciji.
Magia Russica moves between the sights and sounds of Russia and into the animated films. Russian animators share their ideas about art, cinema and about the way in which these should be related to. Documentary about history of Russian animation.

22. september



V Hongkongu kaligraf živi nasprotja med tradicijo in modernostjo.
Somwhere is Hongkong, a calligrapher lives the contrast between the tradition and modernity.

Traperos. Reciklirano življenje_Traperos. Recycling Life
federica romeo_spain_52min

Že 35 let več kot 170 ljudi živi v skupnosti Navarre. Z majhnimi prihodki, a dostojanstveno živijo od stvari, ki jih drugi zavržejo.
For 35 years now over 170 people have been subsisting in the Community of Navarre on low incomes, albeit they lead a dignified life, from what other people discard.

Vsakodnevni dogodki_Everyday Occurrences
fumiko matsuyama_germany_8min

Dnevni dogodki se naslanjajo na literani tekst avstrijske avtorice Ingeborg Bachmann. Vojne ni več, a se nadaljuje.....
It is a matter of the daily occurrences, leaning on the literary texts by Austrian author Ingeborg Bachmann. The war is no more declared, but continued...

Un bel di verdemo_ Un bel di verdemo

adriano valerio_italy_23min

Dokumentarni film o čevljarju iz Sicilije, komunistu in ljubitelju opere. V zgodbi njegovega življenja najdemo košček polpretekle zgodovine.

Documentary about shoemaker Giuseppe, sicilian immigrant, communist and opera lover. Within his life we find a piece of recent history.

Nepobotani_Not Reconciled
jill daniels_uk_41min

Rosa in Carlos, duhova mladih španskih republikancev se sprehajata po ruševinah mesta Belchite v Severni Španiji. Čakata, da odkrijejo njune nezaznamovane grobove. Med špansko državljansko vojno, je bilo mesto porušeno. Naslednjih 70 let so ga zaznamovali padli borci, medtem ko so poleg njega republikanski ujetniki zgradili moderno mesto, čigar prebivalci živijo svoja življenja ter se pretvarjajo, da ne slišijo razpadajočih zidov in šepetanja mrtvih.

Rosa and Carlos, the ghosts of young Spanish republicans, roam the ruins of Belchite in Aragon in Northern Španija_Spain, waiting for the discovery of their unmarked graves. During the Spanish civil war the town was blasted into the pieces and for 70 years it has slowly crumbled over bodies of dead, while next door in a new modern town built by republican prisoners, people go around their daily lives shutting their ears to the sounds of falling walls and whispers of the dead.

Nad pločniki_Above the Pavements
piotr stasik_poland_24min

18-letni pianist iz majhnega planinskega kraja, kjer razvija svoj talent.

18 years old pianist is living and developing his talent in a small town located in the mountains.


Delovni predpasnik zunaj (ženska znotraj)_Apron Outside (woman inside)
claudia brenlla_spain_18min

Galicija je El Dorado delovnega predpasnika, ki ga ženske nosijo širom sveta.

Galicia is “El Dorado” of aprons – piece of clothing that different women from different parts in the world wear as working clothes.

Izgubljeni v tranziciji_Lost In Transition
thom vander beken_belgium_60min

Zgodba o mladih iz Srbije, ki skušajo najti pot med vlogo svojih očetov in bivših herojev nedavnih konfliktov, da bi zgradili svojo lastno prihodnost.

Story of youngsters in Serbia trying to come to terms with the role their fathers and former heroes played in the Balkan conflicts in order to build their own future.

23. september


Slatke pregrehe_Sweet Things
ruggero di maggio and gabriele gismondi_italy_16min

Santi Palazzolo Jr. je mojster slaščic. Nedaleč od Palerma nadaljuje staro tradicijo.

Santi Palazzolo Jr. is a “Sweet Things” master. He follows the Sicilian tradition of cooking in his laboratory, a few miles away from Palermo.

Jekleni domovi_Steel Homes
eva weber_uk_10min

Shrambe so okna v človeške zgodovine. Neme celice, kamor ljudje odlagajo nepotrebne stvari, ki jih prekriva prah, so napolnjene s preteklimi sanjami, skrivnimi željami in življenji, ki se jim ne moremo odreči.

Self – storage units are windows into the humas histories. The silent cells with their discarded objects and dust covered furniture are inscribed with the past dreams, secret hopes and lives we can not let go of.

pushpa, lokender, ankur, lokesh_india_17min

Zakaj se razjeziš?

Why do you get angry?

Ma Bar
finlay pretsell and adrian mcdowall_uk_12min

Dvigovanje uteži za 73-letnega Billa McFadyena ni le konjiček, temveč način življenja.

Bench pressing is not just a hobby for 73 year old Bill McFadyen – it is a way of life.

Prisluhnimo tišini_Listening to the Silences
pedro flores_uk_11min

Roy že 30 let sliši glasove. V teh trenutkih se mu zdi, kot da notranji glas nadzoruje njegov um in telo. Kako je živeti z nekom znotraj svoje glave?

Roy has heard voices for the last 30 years. In those moments he feels an intrusion talking to him and taking control over his mind and body. How is it like to live with someone else inside our head?


Zbor pritožb Maribor_The Complaints Choir Maribor
rudi uran_slovenia_13min

Poskus, kako pretvoriti energijo ljudi, ki se pritožujejo v nekaj drugega.

A try to transform the huge energy people put into complaining into something else.

Nekje vmes_Somewhere In Between
chloe salembier_belgium_42min

“Pred dvema letoma sem se na poti v Vzhodno Evropo ustavila v Romuniji, ter se ponovno vračala.” – Roadmovie med vzhodom in zahodom.

“Two years ago, during a trip to Eastern Europe, I stopped in Romania. Since then I have returned there regularly.” Roadmovie - A middle ground between East and West.

Klic domov_Calling Home
maria eduarda andrade and marcelo starobinas_uk_12min

Za številne Londončane je dom tudi na drugi strani telefonske linije.

For most Londoners, home is there but also somewhere else, at the end of a phone line.


Asamara_ Asamara
jon garano and raul lopez_spain_9min

Asamara: »poslani na delo, da bi zaslužili za preživetje«. Realnost številnih otrok v Afriki.

Asamara: “sent to work, sent to earn a living”. This is the reality millions of children must face in Africa in spite of their extreme youth.

Gugara_ Gugara
andrzej dybczak and jacek naglowski_poland_68min

Sredi sibirskega gozda živi družina Evenky, pastirji lososov. Pred kratkim so izgubili celotno čredo, zato se bodo morali preseliti v povsem nov svet, kot vsak Evenky brez losov.

In the middle of the Siberian forest, there lives a family of the Evenky reindeer shepherd. Recently they have lost their entire heird and will have to move into a completely different world like every Evenk without a reindeer.


Poggioreale 41_ Poggioreale 41
gabriele gismondi_italy_7min

Po potresu leta 1968 so bila številna mesta na zahodu Sicilije popolnoma uničena. Eno izmed njih je po 41 letih še vedno tam.

After a terrible earthquake in 1968 many towns in the Sicilian western zone were completely destroyed. One of them is still there, 41 years later.

Iskanje doma_Finding Home
christopher daley_belgium_25min

Prvi poveljnik ameriške mornarice se po 19 letih staža, med katerim je bil trikrat v Iraku, bliža upokojitvi. Vrne se v svoje rodno mesto ter na obisku pri svoji družini razmišlja o svoji mladosti in neuspelemu zakonu.

A 1st sergeant in the US Marine Corps is nearing retirement after 19 years of active duty which included 3 tours in Iraq. He returnes to his hometown, stopping to visit his family and reflect upon his troubled youth and broken marriage along the way.

Slatko življenje_Dolce Vita
michael schwarz_germany_13min

Eksperimentalni portret para, ki vodi swingerski klub.

An experimental portrait of Andrea and Wolfgang who run a swinger club.

Glas tistih, ki so brez glasu_Voice of The Voiceless
ovsanna hovsepyan_armenia_20min

Ne jejmo tistih, ki jim bije srce.

Those with a heartbeat are not ours to eat.

24. september


Kjer se soncu ne mudi_Where The Sun Does Not Rush
matej bobrik_poland_18min

Izlet v vas, katere prebivalci se nimajo ničesar veseliti razen svojega konca in zaposlitve novega vrtnarja za pokopališče.

An excursion into a village who's people seem to have nothing to look forward to but to their own end and the recruitment of a new gardener for the cemetery.

Mawlinova poroka_Mawla's Wedding
zoltan enevold_spain_52min

Mawla je iz Bangladeša, živi v Madridu. Ima službo, veliko prijateljev, toda želi si imeti družino. Po sedmih letih se odloči, da se bo vrnil v Bangladeš z namenom, da si poišče nevesto.

Mawla is from Bangladesh and lives in Madrid. He has a job and a lot of friends, but his dream is to have a family. After 7 years he decides to go back to his country in order to find a bride and get married.


Trifun bombaš_Trifun The Bomber
sladjan stojanović_serbia_12min

Trifun Mitić iz vasi Binovce v južni Srbiji že 10 let na svojem vrtu išče neeksplodirano bombo, ki mu jo je zaupal NATO.

Trifun Mitic from the village of Binovce in Southern Serbia has been trying for 10 years to dig unexploded bomd out of his yard, the one NATO has entrusted with him.

Industrijalna elegija_Industrial Elegy
daniela gebova_czech rep_68min

Poetični dokumentarec o ljudeh, ki živijo v počasi izginjajočih rudarskih kolonijah v okolici Ostrave. Portret potapljajočega sveta, spominov, tradicionalnih vrednot in dogodivščin njegovih prebivalcev.

Poetic documentary about people living in the mining colonies around Ostrava which are being slowly liquidized. Portrait of one sinking world, memories, traditional values and experiences of its inhabitants.


Karelijske kravarice_Karelian Cowgirls
minttu mantynen_uk_11min

Na začetku 2. svetovne vojne, ko je sovjetska rdeča armada okupirala finsko Karelijo, so najstniki Annikki, Inkeri in Hilkka zapustili svoje družine ter peljali živino po snegu in sovražni zemlji. Danes se spominjajo svoje pustolovščine.

At the start od WWII when the Soviet Red Army invaded Finnish Karelia, teenagers Annikki, Inkeri and Hilkka left their families to drive the cattle through deep snow and hostile lands. A lifetime later they look back on their adventure.

Gasterbajterji nazaj doma_Migrant Workers Back Home
nataša sienčnik_slovenia_20min

Zgodba o dveh poročenih parih, ki se po dolgih letih dela v tujini vračata v Slovenijo.

A story about two married couples coming back home to Slovenia after working many years in the foreign country.

Sevdah_ Sevdah
marina andree_croatia_66min

Sevdah je občutenje življenja, prepleteno z melanholijo, hrepenenjem in lepo žalostjo. V Bosni se izraža skozi tradicionalno pesem – sevdalinko.

Sevdah is a feeling about life imbued with melancholy, yearning and beautiful sorrow. In Bosnia it is expressed through their traditional song – sevdalinka.