Sodobna norveška dokumentarna fotografija v Ljubljani
Contemporary Norwegian Documentary Photography in Ljubljana
01_oktober > 31_oktober 2010

Anne - Stine Johnsbråten
Izbor fotografij fotografskega projekta Norveški Romi o eni izmed petih norveških narodnostnih manjšin. Pozimi večina norveških Romov prebiva v Oslu, medtem ko poleti potujejo in kampirajo v različnih krajih v Skandinaviji in Evropi. Številne romske družine živijo na obrobju norveške družbe v strahu, da bi postali preveč 'norveški'.
Selection of pictures from the photo project THE NORWEGIAN ROMA about one of Norways’ five national minorities. Today, the vast majority of Norwegian Roma people is resident in Oslo during winter. In summer, however, they travel and live at campsites around Scandinavia and Europe. Many Roma families live marginalized from the Norwegian society, as they are afraid of becoming too Norwegian.

Anne Helene Gjelstad
Izbor fotografij o starih ljudeh v Mehiki.
Selection of pictures from the photo project GONE about elderly inhabitants from a nursing home in Mexico.

Hanne Johnsen
Izbor fotografij fotografskega projekta Naše zgodbe, v iskanju vsakdanjih trenutkov v življenju oseb s posebnimi potrebami na Novi Zelandiji.
Selection of pictures from the photo project OUR STORIES searching ordinary moments in the lives of people in New Zealand living with a disability.

Andrea Gjestvang
Izbor fotografij fotografskega projekta Grenlandija - območje, na katerega močno vplivajo klimatske spremembe. Skupaj z ledom, ki se tali, izginjajo tradicionalni življenjski pogoji. Če so bili nekoč prebivalci odvisni od narave, se dandanes številni soočajo z iskanjem novih identiet in alternativnih načinov življenja.
Selection of pictures from the photo project GREENLAND - one of the areas in the world most strongly affected by climate change. With the ice melting, traditional living conditions are slowly disappearing. From being a culture totally dependent on nature, many people now find themselves in a state of flux, in search for a new identity and alternate ways of living.

1.oktober_ob 19.uri
October 1st_19.00

Metelkova 8
1000 Ljubljana