14.10.2024>>>We are looking forward to edition 2025 of DOKUBAZAAR festival in Ljubljana (SLO) scheduled for October 2025; You can now sumbit your new documentary films (short & feature) for DOKUBAZAAR 2025 here>>> https://filmfreeway.com/DOKUBAZAAR
13.10.2024>>>Thanks to all participating filmmakers in the program of DOKUBAZAAR 2024; we are now looking forward to present new and creative docs to our audiences in season 2025 during our upcoming DOKUBAZAAR 2025 in October 2025; Next year we plan to extend our events and films screenings also to other cities across Slovenia and the festival will be on the move from Ljubljana in order to reach out to small audiences also in smaller cities in the region; more info coming soon!!!
10.10.2024>>>DOKUBAZAAR 2024 /independent documentary film festival in ljubljana/ is showing 18 feature and short documentary films from all over the world/film program is non-competitive in season 2024/!@10.10. - 12.10.2024; Ljubljana, Slovenia /Venue for all screenings: Art gallery Srecisce, Metelkova 8, Ljubljana/
"DOKUBAZAAR v Ljubljani (SLO) je družbeno angažiran festival dokumentarnih filmov v Sloveniji povezan temo človekovih pravic in filmska akcija, ki jo sestavljajo dogodki, srečanja in dejavnosti, povezane z dokumentarnimi filmi, razpravami in izobraževanjem (filmska vzgoja). Verjamemo, da lahko prispevamo k bolj strpni, kulturni družbi in boljšemu okolju ter da lahko v Sloveniji in celotni regiji igramo pomembno vlogo pri spodbujanju in zagovarjanju človekovih pravic za vse. Festival bo prikazal izbor najnovejših in družbeno angažiranih mednarodnih dokumentarnih filmov iz celega sveta."
09.10.2024>>>From many great iternational documentary film entries to our festival, we have now created the final selection. DOKUBAZAAR 2024 (10-11-12-october2024) in Ljubljana will present 18 documentary films from all over the globe. All screenings will take place at the Art gallery Srečišče of Hostel Celica (Metelkova 8, Ljubljana, SLO); entrance to screenings is free!@films will be screened in original languages with English subtitles; Final film programming and screening schedule is now available here>>>
02.10.2024>>>DOKUBAZAAR 2024 will take place in Ljubljana (SLO) in period between 10th - 12th of October 2024; We have received many creative international documentary films submissions from more than 30 different countries@final selection and screening schedule will be released in coming days; All screenings will take place at the art gallery Srečišče of Hostel Celica (Metelkova 8, Ljubljana, SLO); entrance to screenings is free!
09.10.2023>>We are looking forward to edition 2024 of DOKUBAZAAR festival in Ljubljana (SLO) scheduled for October 2024; You can now sumbit your new documentary films (short & feature) for DOKUBAZAAR 2024 here>>> https://filmfreeway.com/DOKUBAZAAR
08.10.2023>>>DIPLOMAs for "Best Short & Feature Documentary" film of DOKUBAZAAR 2023 in Ljubljana (SLO):
06.10.2023>>>HAPPENING NOW!!!@ 4.10. - 8.10.2023/// DOKUBAZAAR 2023 in Ljubljana /galerija srečišče, celica, metelkova 8, ljubljana/
01.10.2023>>>Final international documentary film selection and screening schedule for DOKUBAZAAR 2023 in Ljubljana (Slovenia) between 04.10. - 08.10.2023 is now out here: https://www.hostelcelica.com/assets/DOKUBAZAAR2023_programing.pdf
"DOKUBAZAAR 2023 v Ljubljani (SLO) je filmski festival na temo človekovih pravic in filmska akcija, ki jo sestavljajo dogodki, srečanja in dejavnosti, povezane z dokumentarnimi filmi, razpravami in izobraževanjem (filmska vzgoja)."
"Verjamemo, da lahko prispevamo k bolj strpni, kulturni družbi in boljšemu okolju ter da lahko v Sloveniji in celotni regiji igramo pomembno vlogo pri spodbujanju in zagovarjanju človekovih pravic za vse."
"Festival bo prikazal izbor najnovejših in družbeno angažiranih mednarodnih dokumentarnih filmov iz celega sveta."
25.09.2023>>>We have received many international documentary film submissions to DOKUBAZAAR 2023 from more than 40 different countries; Final documentary film selection and screening schedule for DOKUBAZAAR 2023 will be announced soon!!!
15.06.2023>>>DOKUBAZAAR 2023 /ljubljana independent documentary film festival/ has received a large number of documentary films submissions from more than 30 different countries until now! You can still submit your LATE ENTRIES and your new documentary film (s) using our waiver code here: https://filmfreeway.com/DOKUBAZAAR until 31.08.2023;
20.04.2023>>>DOKUBAZAAR 2023 /ljubljana independent documentary film festival/ will take place in Ljubljana (SLO) and in other cities across Europe in season 2023. You can now submit your new documentary film here: https://filmfreeway.com/DOKUBAZAAR
DOKUBAZAAR is a socially engaged doc.film festival and human rights film education event; It is a people for people documentary film festival that celebrates documentary films, human rights, arts, media, culture and cinema and does not follow political and commercial mainstreams in film, culture and cinema industries.
30.03.2023>>>EUROPANORAMA 2023 /european film days/ will be in TAMPERE (FINLAND)!!! 1.4. - 2.4. & 6.4.2023/// EUROPANORAMA 2023 - European Film Days moving cinema/festival project will be in TAMPERE (Finland) showing new European shorts from all over Europe!!! WHERE? Culture center LAIKKU, Keskustori 4, Tampere; FREE ENTRY/// @under official Patronage from the European Parliament & organized with support from the Spanish Embassy in Helsinki, Tampere Municipality www.tampere.fi and Swedish-Finnish Cultural Foundation/// PROGRAM>>>/// 1.4.2023 (15.30-17.30) - ZOOM SPAIN 2023 selection of Spanish short films & NORDIC FILM DAYS 2023 selection of short films from Finland, Denmark, Norway, Iceland and Sweden 2.4.2023 (15.30 - 17.30) - ZOOM SPAIN 2023 selection of Spanish short films & EUROMIX selection of short films from across Europe 6.4.2023 (18.30-20.30) - ZOOM SPAIN 2023 selection of Spanish short films & ZOOM SWEDEN 2023 - EUROMIX selection of short films from across Europe///
28.03.2023>>>EUROPANORAMA 2023 /european film days/ will be in TAMPERE (FINLAND)!!!>>>screening schedule is available here>>>https://www.facebook.com/ShortFilmsMigratingCinema
07.03.2023>>>DOKUBAZAAR 2023 - Documentary film festival in Slovenia///ENTER YOUR FILM - information on rules and submissions>>> https://filmfreeway.com/DOKUBAZAAR
05.03.2023>>>EUROPANORAMA 2023 will be in TAMPERE (FINLAND) on 01.04.202023 - 02.04.2023 and 06.04.2023@more info on screening schedule will be published in coming days - EUROPANORAMA 2023 - European film days in Tampere presenting new European shorts & docs; - Culture center LAIKKU (Tampere, Finland), Keskustori 4, 33100 Tampere (FINLAND) - EUROPANORAMA 2023 travelling film festival and moving cinema project is presenting selection of newest European short films of different styles and approaches (animation, experiment, fiction and documentary) from young European film directors. The programming offers a glimpse into the contemporary European filmmaking.///Presented by Alexander Niskac d.o.o. in charge of Ljubljana International Short Film Festival and TRANSIT FILM BAZAAR///Opening event is organized under Patronage of the European Parliament. Special focus section ZOOM SPAIN 2023 is supported by Spanish Embassy in Helsinki. Whole event is organized with support from Tampere Municipality. FREE ENTRY
01.01.2023>>>EUROPANORAMA 2023 (European film days and DOKUBAZAAR) is coming soon in season 2023 to cinemas, culture venues and open-air spaces across different European cites and countries - Ljubljana (Slovenia), Tampere (Finland), Riga (Latvia), Tallinn (Estonia), Graz (Austria), Zagreb (Croatia) and more!!!📽101 short films of EUROPANORAMA 2023 - final programmings, screening schedules and film selections are under construction🎞more info coming soon in February@opening event of EUROPANORAMA for season 2023 will be organized under the official Patronage of the European Parliament>>>more info coming soon!!!
06.06.2022>>>SLOKINOBUS2022 open-air cinema across Ljubljana (SLOVENIA) will be showing EUROPANORAMA 2022 film programming outdoors on 8.6.2022 at the cafe TABOR in the centre of Ljubljana///with support from Visit Ljubljana & Culture Ireland/// EUROPANORAMA 2022 (SloKinoBus2022), projekcije evropskih kratkih filmov na prostem v Ljubljani (8.6.2022, kavarna Tabor/Športno društvo Tabor, Tabor 13, Ljubljana, 20.30-22.00, vstop prost)>>> Dogodek EUROPANORAMA 2022 (SloKinoBus2022) izpostavlja nove evropske kratke filme različnih stilov in pristopov skozi različne žanre (fikcija, animacija, eksperimentalni in dokumentarni film). Predstavlja prodorne mlajše režiserke in režiserje iz več kot 15 evropskih držav ter ponuja zanimiv vpogled v novo kinematografijo kratkega formata evropskega filma. EUROPANORAMA 2022 je potujoči kino projekt s programom, ki presega meje in se trudi enakopravno zastopa tako režiserke kot režiserje iz skoraj vseh evropskih držav. Gre za trenutno edini filmski dogodek v Evropi s programom, ki poudarja enakost spolov. Vse projekcije so brezplačne. Projekcije so organizirane s podporo JSKD, Culture Ireland in Visit Ljubljana.
06.06.2022>>>Our next EUROPANORAMA 2022 travelling cinema show will be in ZAGREB (CROATIA) at culture venue KIC www.kic.hr between 8-9-june2022🎬🎬🎬 www.lisff.blogspot.com ©transit film bazaar///eu cinema van/film education/new audiences/youth/gender equal programmings/travelling cinema🎥organized with support from Culture Ireland E U R O P A N O R A M A 2022@promoting new EU, European cinema worldwide🎥 www.lisff.blogspot.com ShortFilmsAreBestFilms@transitfilmbazaar/// Good SHORT Films ANYTIME Anywhere!
26.05.2022>>>EUROPANORAMA 2022 and DOKUBAZAAR 2022 will take place on different occassions open-air across Ljubljana (SLO) and in different cities across Slovenia as well as in art house cinemas across Europe (Latvia, Austria, Croatia, Iceland, Czechia & more) in period between 01.06.2022 – 31.10.2022 /more info will be available continually on our Transit Film Bazaar FB profile////LJUBLJANA (SLO) – RIGA (LATVIA) – GRAZ (AUSTRIA) – ZAGREB (CROATIA) – REYKJAVIK (ICELAND) – OSLO (NORWAY) – JERUSALEM (ISRAEL) – BEIRUT (LEBANON) – BUDAPEST (HUNGARY) – MUNICH (GERMANY) – COPENHAGEN (DENMARK) – HELSINKI (FINLAND) – BELGRADE (SERBIA) – SKOPJE (Rep. OF NORTH MACEDONIA) – NIKSIC (MONTENEGRO) – SOFIA (BULGARIA) – TIRANA (ALBANIA) – PRISHTINA (KOSOVO) – TALLINN (ESTONIA) – WIEN (AUSTRIA) & more!!! "www.lisff.blogspot.com" "www.lidff.blogspot.com" DOKUBAZAAR 2022 film education events of EUROPANORAMA 2022 are under the Official Patronage of the European Parliament///
25.05.2022>>>SOON in Reykjavik (ICELAND)!!! European short film days EUROPANORAMA 2022 are finally planning also to reach out to local audiences in REYKJAVIK (ICELAND) in the beginning of August 2022 at art house cinema BIO PARADIS www.bioparadis.is in the centre of the city ///EUROPANORAMA 2022 will screen new European short films (fiction, documentary, animation, experiment) from more than 15 different countries including special focus sections ZOOM GERMANY 2022 and ZOOM IRELAND 2022///with support from the Goethe Institute in Copenhagen and Culture Ireland///entrance free!!!@more info coming soon!!!@TransitFilmBazaar
25.05.2022>>>COMING SOON!!!@EUROPANORAMA 2022 v Ljubljani (Slovenija) 1-2-3-junij2022>>>HOSTEL CELICA (Metelkova 8, 1000 Ljubljana) www.hostelcelica.com VSTOP PROST///Dogodek EUROPANORAMA 2022 izpostavlja nove evropske kratke filme različnih stilov in pristopov skozi različne žanre (fikcija, animacija, eksperimentalni in dokumentarni film). Predstavlja prodorne mlajše režiserke in režiserje iz več kot 15 evropskih držav ter ponuja zanimiv vpogled v novo kinematografijo kratkega formata evropskega filma. EUROPANORAMA 2022 je potujoči kino projekt s programom, ki presega meje in se trudi enakopravno zastopa tako režiserke kot režiserje iz skoraj vseh evropskih držav. Gre za trenutno edini filmski dogodek v Evropi s programom, ki poudarja enakost spolov. Vse projekcije so brezplačne. "European short film days EUROPANORAMA 2022 will be in Ljubljana (SLOVENIA) screening new European short films (animation, fiction, documentary, experiment) at the culture venue Hostel CELICA www.hostelcelica.com between 1-2-3/june2022 showing films OPEN-AIR in the garden///final programming and screening schedule for LJUBLJANA is now available also here www.lisff.blogspot.com ENTRANCE FREE!!!" @with support from JSKD (Slovak Film Days - ZOOM SLOVAKIA 2022 and Culture Ireland (ZOOM IRELAND 2022)///TransitFilmBazaar
DOKUBAZAAR 2022 (human rights film education) screenings are presented under the Official Patronage of the European Parliament
25.05.2022>>>European short film days EUROPANORAMA 2022 will be in Riga (LATVIA) screening new European short films (animation, fiction, documentary, experiment) at art house cinema KINO BIZE www.kinobize.lv between 1-2-june2022///final programming and screening schedule for RIGA is now available also here www.lisff.blogspot.com ENTRANCE FREE!!!@with support from Spanish Embassy in Riga and Culture Ireland///@Transit Film Bazaar
05.05.2022///EUROPANORAMA 2022 across Europe is coming soon in June in Ljubljana (Slovenia) and Riga (Latvia) presenting more then 60 newest European short and documentary films in the planned programmings for all planned European cities!!!🎬more info coming soon🎥 www.lisff.blogspot.com www.lidff.blogspot.com 📸SLOVENIA - LATVIA - ESTONIA - AUSTRIA - CROATIA - ICELAND & more!!! ©️supporting partners in 2022 - JSKD /Slovak Film Days - Dokubazaar2022/, Culture Ireland /europanorama - zoom ireland2022/, Spanish Embassy in Riga /zoom spain2022/ & more!!!
30.03.2022>>>Our upcoming film & cinema events EUROPANORAMA 2022 across Europe - DOKUBAZAAR 2022 /human rights documentary film festival/ and SLOKINOBUS 2022 are coming soon to be organized indoors as well as outdoors in period May 2022 - December 2022 with new European short and documentary films programmings!!!@more info coming soon after 01.05.2022 ...SLOVENIA - LATVIA - ESTONIA - AUSTRIA - CROATIA - MONTENEGRO - ICELAND - FINLAND - NORWAY & more!!!... ///supporting partners in 2022 - Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Slovenia /dokubazaar2022/, Culture Ireland /europanorama - zoom ireland2022/, Patronage of the European Parliament & more!!!
01.10.2021>>>EUROPANORAMA - European short films days on the move from Ljubljana (SLO) via Tallinn (Estonia) to Beirut (Lebanon) and beyond!!! & DOKUBAZAAR - human rights documentary film days in Slovenia and across Europe & more!!!@film education - short films - documentary films - humans rights education - travelling cinema - new audiences & more!!!
09.09.2021>>>DOKUBAZAAR 2021 was in Ljubljana - Radenci - Stari Trg ob Kolpi - Ajdovscina - Koper (SLO) and Riga (Latvia) organizing human rights education film screenings in summer 2021 in July and August 2021@info on upcoming events will be available soon!!!
NEWS@16.06.2021 D O K U B A Z A A R Human Rights Documentary Film Festival in Ljubljana (Slovenia) 7 - 11 JUNE 2021 @coming soon with more human rights film education screenings and events across Slovenia & more!!!///between July - December 2021///stay tuned for more info in coming days🎥DOKUBAZAAR human rights documentary MOBILE CINEMA 4 ALL!!!
NEWS@09.06.2021/// WE ARE HERE!!!!@Day 3 of DOKUBAZAAR 2021 human rights documentary film festival in Ljubljana (SLO)@zoom australia 2021 at Open-Air cinema in the garden of Hostel CELICA www.hostelcelica.com and at SKUC www.skuc.org DOKUBAZAAR 2021 /1. izdaja festivala dokumentarnih filmov o človekovih pravicah v Ljubljani/ prikazuje izbor dokumentarnih filmov o različnih temah, povezanih s vprašanji človekovih pravic iz vsega sveta. Filmski festival DOKUBAZAAR 2021 v Ljubljani (SLO) vključuje izobraževalne dogodke, srečanja in razprave povezane s filmi, katerih namen je prispevati k promociji človekovih pravic, k bolj strpni družbi in kulturnemu sobivanju.
TONIGHT@TONIGHT///09.06.2021///We show ZOOM AUSTRALIA 2021 shorts and docs at DOKUBAZAAR 2021 (SLO) at 2 venues in the centre of LJUBLJANA>>>indoors at SKUC www.skuc.org as well as open-air in the garden of Hostel CELICA www.hostelcelica.com ENTRANCE FREE!!!@supported by the Australian Embassy accredited for Slovenia///PROGRAM@>>> http://www.skuc.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/DOKUBAZAAR2021_FinalProgram-and-ScreeningSchedule-7-11-june2021.pdf
NEWS@08.06.2021///Day 2 of DOKUBAZAAR 2021 human rights documentary film festival in Ljubljana (SLO)@zoom ireland 2021 at Open-Air cinema screenings in the garden of Hostel CELICA www.hostelcelica.com @supported by Culture Ireland///
NEWS@08.06.2021///DOKUBAZAAR 2021 na VAL-u 202 https://val202.rtvslo.si/2021/06/dokubazaar-2021/ "Festival DokuBazaar si lahko ogledate od danes, 7. junija, do 11. junija na dveh prizoriščih v Ljubljani: v Hostlu Celica in ŠKUC-u. Izbor 25 kratkih in dokumentarnih filmov tako mlajših kot tudi priznanih režiserjev z vsega sveta je pripravil producent in direktor festivala Alexander Sašo Niskač. Dokubazaar 2021 bodo spremljali tudi izobraževalni dogodki, srečanja in razprave, povezane s filmi, katerih namen je prispevati k promociji človekovih pravic, k bolj strpni družbi in kulturnemu sobivanju. Neodvisni ljubljanski festival dokumentarnega filma Dokubazaar bo poleti gostoval po Sloveniji: v Ajdovščini, Kopru, Beli krajini in še kje. S kakšno selekcijo pa bo DokuBazaar potoval tudi v tujino: na Hrvaško, v Avstrijo, Litvo, Latvijo, Estonijo ... če bo to mogoče v letu 2021. Odvisno od situacije."
NEWS///08.06.2021@Starting from zero after the cultural lockdown in last 8 months in Slovenia and with all covid-19 restrictions for organizers and audiences, The DOKUBAZAAR 2021 human rights documentary film festival opened the summer festival season as the very 1st offline film festival in Ljubljana and in Slovenia with Open-Air cinema screenings in the garden of Hostel Celica www.hostelcelica.com presenting ZOOM PALESTINE 2021 program yesterday on the 7th of JUNE 2021/// DOKUBAZAAR 2021 Ljubljana (SLO) 7 – 11 JUNE 2021
NEWS@07.06.2021///DOKUBAZAAR 2021 /1. izdaja festivala dokumentarnih filmov o človekovih pravicah v Ljubljani/ prikazuje izbor dokumentarnih filmov o različnih temah, povezanih s vprašanji človekovih pravic iz vsega sveta. Filmski festival DOKUBAZAAR 2021 v Ljubljani (SLO) vključuje izobraževalne dogodke, srečanja in razprave povezane s filmi, katerih namen je prispevati k promociji človekovih pravic, k bolj strpni družbi in kulturnemu sobivanju/// 7 - 11 JUNE 2021 @ Art gallery and culture venue SKUC, Stari Trg 21, Ljubljana (SLO) www.skuc.org & Hostel and culture venue CELICA, Metelkova 8, Ljubljana (SLO) www.hostelcelica.com/// PROGRAM and SCREENING SCHEDULE OF DOKUBAZAAR 2021 is now available here>>>
DOKUBAZAAR 2021 human rights documentary film festival presents #SaferTogether: Covid-19 knows no borders”, in partnership with the European Union///
NEWS///02.06.2021@DOKUBAZAAR 2021 human rights documentary film festival presents #SaferTogether: Covid-19 knows no borders”, in partnership with the European Union///In early 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic brought chaos to the world. Europe quickly became the most affected continent. Day after day, national dead counts became the headline news. More than a year after the start of the pandemic, the findings are indisputable: people who were already in precarious situations before the pandemic got hit the hardest by the economic and social consequences of the crisis that followed. This is true in Slovenia, Italy, France or Germany. It is also true in Uganda, Lebanon, Haiti, Bangladesh or Ecuador. As the European Commission stated in 2020, “the coronavirus outbreak has evolved into a global pandemic. It has killed tens of thousands of people, straining communities, increasing calls for social protection, shrinking business activity and disrupting supply chains. Its consequences will be profound.” Between November 2020 and February 2021 and with the support of the European Commission in the frame of the #SaferTogether campaign, five renowned photographers from Agence MYOP travelled to five developing countries, to document the lives of the most vulnerable people around the world. Between 5 and 13 June their works will be installed at three different locations in Ljubljana by DOKUBAZAAR.
Guillaume Binet visited Haiti
Pascal Maitre went to Lebanon
Agnès Dherbeys travelled to Ecuador and shed a light on Venezuelan and Colombian migrants and refugees
Stephane Lagoutte reported from Uganda
Oliver Laban-Mattei travelled to Cox’s Bazaar in Bangladesh
NEWS///30.05.2021@DOKUBAZAAR 2021 /1. izdaja festivala dokumentarnih filmov o človekovih pravicah v Ljubljani/ prikazuje izbor dokumentarnih filmov o različnih temah, povezanih s vprašanji človekovih pravic iz vsega sveta. Filmski festival DOKUBAZAAR 2021 v Ljubljani (SLO) vključuje izobraževalne dogodke, srečanja in razprave povezane s filmi, katerih namen je prispevati k promociji človekovih pravic, k bolj strpni družbi in kulturnemu sobivanju.
DOKUBAZAAR is a transnational independent documentary film festival project based in Ljubljana (SLOVENIA) dedicated to presentation and promotion of socially engaged documentary films to Slovenian and wide European audiences in the region since 2009. Its 9th edition will introduce colorful and diverse programming including around 25 socially engaged feature and short documentary films /human rights education/ from all around the world. DOKUBAZAAR is a free social cinema and socially engaged documentary film festival on human rights educations 4 all@FINAL SELECTION and SCREENING SCHEDULE at both venues in Ljubljana (SLO) between 7 – 11 JUNE 2021 is now available here below>>>ENTRANCE FREE!!!
NEWS>>>06.05.2021 ///DOKUBAZAAR 2021 human rights documentary film festival in Ljubljana (Slovenia) will be held in Ljubljana between 7-11 JUNE 2021 at different locations@more info on final screening schedules, film programmings, locations, venues is coming soon!!!@special events of DOKUBAZAAR 2021 are planned to be organized all year round in different cities across Slovenia and in other countries (Croatia, Armenia, Georgia, Serbia, Austria etc.) in season 2021/2022///films - debates - human rights - gender equality - film education & more!!!
19.02.2021@@@ After the slowdowned and lockdowned year 2020 we are now hoping for better days for culture, films and cinema for all in season 2021, so we plan to open our travelling films screenings season soon in April/May 2021 with the new film programmings, cinema meetings, debates, discussions and educational film events across Europe and beyond!!!@@@ Our new supporting partner for DOKUBAZAAR 2021 – 1st Human Rights Film Festival in Ljubljana (Slovenia) is UNHCR>>>
Other partners for our travelling cine-van EU short films nights - EUROPANORAMA 2021 across Europe are>>>
More info on our film programmings, cinema meetings and film tours will be available soon!!!! NO CULTURE = NO FUTURE
DOKUBAZAAR 2021 - 1st Human Rights Film Festival in Ljubljana (SLO) is under the Official Patronage of the European Parliament///
Supporting partner of DOKUBAZAAR 2021>>>
04.09.2020 Transit Film Bazaar & EUROPANORAMA 2020 was in Ljubljana (SLO)@open-air short & documentary films screenings/educational film event/youth/cinema van www.lisff.blogspot.com www.lidff.blogspot.com ©transit film bazaar
01.09.2020///NEWS @ DOKUBAZAAR in Ljubljana (SLOVENIA) is being POSTPONED to 2021
>>>>>>>NEWS>>>& UPDATES

DOKUBAZAAR 2020 independent documentary film festival in Ljubljana (SLO) is still accepting socially engaged documentaries and docs submissions until the 15th of August 2020!!! There is now NO ENTRY fee for the submitted documentaries to DOKUBAZAAR 2020!!!@entry form with all info on submission process is available below on our website>>>

Next edition of our independent doc film festival is planned to be held in the end of September / beginning of October 2020 in Ljubljana (Slovenia)@more info coming soon!!!

Call for entries to DOKUBAZAAR 2020 is now open until the 31st of MAY 2020!!!@entry form with rules&regulations is now available here below>>>
DOKUBAZAAR is gender equal and as the only documentary film festival across Europe will show gender equal film program 50/50!!!

»DokuBazaar - Ljubljana Independent Documentary Film Festival is a transnational independent documentary film festival established in 2009. It promotes contemporary short and feature documentaries, aiming to present most diverse and creative documentary works from women and men film directors from Europe and all over the world.
Since 2020, all programmings of DOKUBAZAAR are gender equal 50/50, as the leading documentary film festival across Europe with gender equal film screenings. Entrance to all events are free of charge to all audiences making the festival accessible for ALL.
Festival's screenings are taking place mainly in Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia, but we also organize touring documentary film events and screenings across Europe in cities such as Oslo (Norway), Graz (Austria) etc. throughout the year.«

DOKUBAZAAR is a socially engaged independent documentary film festival introducing human rights, freedom of speech, equality and tolerance issues through documentary films from all around the world!!!@more info on our upcoming edition coming soon///we will screen in Ljubljana (SLO) and other cities/countries across EUROPE in season 2020/2021

DOKUBAZAAR 2020 will take place in Ljubljana (Slovenia) in October 2020. For more information, festival's rules, fees for submissions of documentary films (short&feature) to the programming selection, please send your entry request (title of film, synopsis, promotion metarials) to our email>>> transitfilmbazaar@gmail.com

Official CALL for documentary film entries to DOKUBAZAAR 2020 is OPEN between 09.02.2020 - 31.05.2020

DOKUBAZAAR is a DIALOGUE & DEBATE for a BETTER WORLD for ALL NOW!!!🎥📸🎬@we will screen in Ljubljana (SLO) and other cities across Europe in season 2020/2021

»DokuBazaar, Ljubljana Independent Documentary Film Festival is a transnational independent documentary film festival which took off in 2009. It is dedicated to the promotion of contemporary short and feature documentaries and their authors from all over the world, striving to present the most diverse and imaginative works.«
Accompanying Programme
»DokuBazaar occasionally features photography exhibitions at the Celica Hostel, where it, for example, presented the Finnish artist Maria Kankkunen and a retrospective of contemporary Norwegian documentary photography. The year 2015 also saw the Children First: Anthropological Film Festival of Children and Youth, a separate festival organised by a team partly connected to DokuBazaar.« www.culture.si
TRANSIT FILM BAZAAR 2018/2019 organized 14 new cinema events for international audiences in 13 cities and 11 countries from OSLO (Norway) via LJUBLJANA (Slovenia) to BEIRUT (Lebanon)!!!@ready now for new season 2020/2021
October 2018                                  EUROPANORAMA & Nordic Film Days in OSLO (Norway) at Deichman Library in Oslo between the 30th of October – 2nd of November 2018
November 2018                              EUROPANORAMA & Nordic Film Days in BEIRUT (Lebanon) at Zoukak Theatre in Beirut between the 14th, 20th – 21st of November 2018
January 2019                                  EUROPANORAMA & Nordic Film Days in LJUBLJANA (Slovenia) at SKUC art gallery in Ljubljana between the 15th – 17th of January 2019
January 2019                                  EUROPANORAMA & Nordic Film Days in ZAGREB (Croatia) at The Cinematheque in Zagreb between the 23rd – 24th of January 2019
January 2019                                  EUROPANORAMA & Nordic Film Days in BELGRADE (Serbia) at the Culture House KC GRAD in Belgrade between the 26th – 27th of January 2019
February 2019                                EUROPANORAMA & Nordic Film Days in GRAZ (Austria) at the art cinema FILMZENTRUM in Graz between the 18th – 19th of February 2019
February 2019                                EUROPANORAMA & Nordic Film Days in RIGA (Latvia) at the art cinema KINO BIZE in Riga between the 26th – 27th of February 2019
February 2019                                EUROPANORAMA & Nordic Film Days in BUDAPEST (Hungary) at the art cinema BEM MOZI in Budapest between the 27th – 28th of February 2019
February 2019                                EUROPANORAMA & Nordic Film Days in COPENHAGEN (Denmark) at the art venue FilmStationen in Copenhagen on the 28th of February 2019
March 2019                                     EUROPANORAMA & Nordic Film Days in SKOPJE (The Republic of North Macedonia) at the Cinematheque in Skopje between the 19th – 21st of March 2019
March 2019                                     EUROPANORAMA & Nordic Film Days in GOSTIVAR (The Republic of North Macedonia) at the Culture House ASNOM in Gostivar between the 22nd – 23rd of March 2019
April 2019                                        EUROPANORAMA & Nordic Film Days in PODGORICA (Montenegro) at the Youth Centre of Podgorica between the 16th – 17th of April 2019
April 2019                                        EUROPANORAMA & Nordic Film Days in NIKSIC (Montenegro) at the art venue Propaganda in Niksic on the 18th of April 2019
September 2019                             EUROPANORAMA & ZOOM MACEDONIA 2019 in BUDAPEST (Hungary) on the 18th of September 2019

»The films which were shown in the opening of this festival were wonderful. I recommend everybody to join us and watch a new experience and thoughts, that we all are in need. Don't be hesitant to be there. Short films are just as like as short free lessons that give us some solutions and replies that we had searched for them.« Europanorama and Nordic Film Days 2018 in Beirut (Lebanon), Audience CommentA-h.F., Beirut, November 2018©TRANSIT FILM BAZAAR

Audience Comments from Beirut (Lebanon) on travelling EUROPANORAMA>>>transit film bazaar@short films are best films!!!

"The films which were shown in the opening of this festival were wonderful. I recommend everybody to join us and watch a new experience and thoughts, that we all are in need. Don't be hesitant to be there. Short films are just as like as short free lessons that give us some solutions and replies that we had searched for them." Europanorama and Nordic Film Days 2018/2019 in Beirut (Lebanon), Audience Comment, A-h.F., Beirut, November 2018©TRANSIT FILM BAZAAR – travelling EUROPEAN FILM FESTIVAL

SOON this week in BUDAPEST!!!
@European short films on the move

Our opening travelling cinema event in new touring season of EUROPANORAMA 2019/2020 is planned to happen on the 18th of September in BUDAPEST (Hungary)!

During our upcoming cinema stop in Budapest we will present new Macedonian short film productions in our special program
“ZOOM MACEDONIA 2019” to wide Hungarian audiences in Budapest !!!


Good Short Films Anytime Anywhere!!!
nordic film days/project

2019 - 2020


COMING SOON!!!@European short films on the move!

Our opening film screening in new touring season of EUROPANORAMA 2019/2020 is planned to happen on the 18th of September 2019 in BUDAPEST (Hungary)

We will present new Macedonian short film productions in our special program “ZOOM MACEDONIA” to wide Hungarian audiences///

TransitFilmBazaar Good Short Films Anytime Anywhere!!!
nordic film days/project



@promoting new European and Nordic cinema worldwide!


TransitFilmBazaar shows short films in Beirut (Lebanon) between 14-20&21november2018!
1st edition of EUROPANORAMA and NordicFilmDays project in BEIRUT will screen newest EU and Nordic short films at 2locations, culture spaces of Mansion and Zoukak.
Entrance to all shows is free!!! All cinema evenings and screenings start at 7pm

More info on selected films is available here>>>www.lisff.blogspot.com
The program is ready for Euro panorama film festival in Beirut _2018 here>


TransitFilmBazaar goes Beirut (Lebanon) between 14-20&21november2018!
1st edition of EUROPANORAMA and NordicFilmDays project in BEIRUT will screen newest EU and Nordic short films at 2locations, culture spaces of Mansion and Zoukak.
Entrance to all shows is free!!!

@supported by the Delegation of EU in Lebanon - Nordics - Finnish Embassy in Beirut

TransitFilmBazaar shows newest European and Nordic short films in Beirut (Lebanon)!

The very first edition of EUROPANORAMA film festival for short movies in Lebanon will be happening in Beirut on 14, 20 and 21 November 2018
The festival includes a rich variety of short films, from different genres, directed by filmmakers from all around Europe, such as France, Germany, Slovenia, Sweden, Finland, Croatia, Spain, UK, Romania, Hungary etc.
The program of EUROPANORAMA 2018 in Beirut will be screened at 2 locations:
- MANSION on November 14th at 7 PM
- ZOUKAK on November 20th & 21st from 7 to 11 PM
This festival is organized by TransitFilmBazaar association and it’s FREE of charge///
Whole event is presented in cooperation with the Delegation of EU in Lebanon, Finnish Embassy in Beirut, Nordics and Movies On The Move. Special thanks for help and great assistance on this event in Beirut goes to Ms. Haifa Safa and Nadi Lekol El Nas.

Final film selection of European and Nordic short films /nordic film days/ for EUROPANORAMA 2018 in Beirut (Lebanon) in now available here>>>www.lisff.blogspot.com

TransitFilmBazaar will organize a pilot touring cinema project NORDIC FILM DAYS 2018/2019 in different countries&cities across Europe and beyond///starting in October2018
Our creative Nordic short film selection is now made of more than 30 short film productions made by young film directors from Denmark, Sweden, Iceland, Finland and Norway///stay connected for news on all planned cities/countries where we will screen in coming weeks
@thanks to all Nordic film directors for their submissions
Presented in cooperation with the Nordics
Our touring film selection for EUROPANORAMA 2018/2019 is now made of more than 40 newest short films (animation, fiction, documentar, experiment) from different EU and European film directors>>>stay tuned for more info on all cities/countries where we will screen in coming weeks///
Thanks to all European film directors for their submissions!!!
Presented in cooperation with the Delegation of EU in Lebanon and other local partners (municipalities, Embassies, cinemas, libraries) in different project countries

Transit Film Bazaar will organize OSLO INTERNATIONAL SHORT FILM FESTIVAL 2018 at Deichman Library in Oslo (Norway) in November2018
@stay tuned for news and more information on this int. short film event in Oslo (NOR)
©presented in cooperation with Deichman Library and Oslo Kommune
Transit Film Bazaar is going to organize and present new pilot touring cinema project NORDIC FILM DAYS 2018/2019 soon in different countries&cities across Europe and beyond///starting in September2018
🎬more info coming soon in August///stay connected for news
©presented in cooperation with Nordics

We go From Ljubljana (Slovenia-EU) to LEBANON (Beirut - Tyre - Tripoli) very soon in September2018 with EuroPanorama program of young European cinema!
Ljubljana Int.Short Film Festival (LISFF) and TransitFilmBazaar will organize ZOOM EU SHORT FILM DAYS 2018 in Beirut, Tyre and Tripoli in Lebanon in the end of September2018, we are in preparations. 
We will present EUROPANORAMA program of newest European short and documentary films from different European countries to Lebanese audiences this time.

More info on our educational film screenings in LEBANON will soon be published here on our website>>>
It's showtime for DOKUBAZAAR 2017 in Ljubljana (SLO) now!
Great shorts and docs, including international mix, Danish and Finnish doc focus as well as Australian zoom!
Ljubljana (SLOVENIA)
Final program and screening schedule is available below>>>
Official programming and screening schedule for DOKUBAZAAR2017 in Ljubljana (SLO) is now out>>>

.DOKUBAZAAR is a transnational independent short and documentary film festival project based in Ljubljana (SLO) dedicated to presentation and promotion of contemporary short & documentary films to Slovenian and wide European audiences in the region. Its 8th edition will introduce colorful and diverse programming including 37 creative short and documentary films from all around the world. DOKUBAZAAR is a free social cinema for all.

FREE entrance to all screenings at 3 locations in the centre of Ljubljana (SLO)>>>
ROG_second home>TovarnaRog-Trubarjeva72

Newest Shorts and Docs soon in Ljubljana (slo) between the 20th - 22nd of November 2017>>>more info on screening schedule and selected films for DOKUBAZAAR2017 will be released on Tuesday the 14th of November///


Official call for documentary film submissions (on DVD or digital submissions) to DOKUBAZAAR 2017 in now open until the 15th of September 2017///entry form is now available here>>>


///coming soon
.the 8th edition of DOKUBAZAAR independent documentary film days in Ljubljana 
.planned to take place in November 2017
.more info&official open call will be announced in the beginning of August

YOUTH FILM&PHOTO WORKSHOPS in Ljubljana (SLO) – “Ljubljana, my city”

In September and October 2016 in frame of our international film event Youth Film Festival 3LITTLEWOLVES in Ljubljana (SLO), in cooperation with APIS Institute in Ljubljana, we organized participatory photography and video workshops Ljubljana, my city. 

We used photo and video to explore how 12 to 14-year-old youth perceive the city they live in.

In the end of this film and photo project in November 2016 we prepared a photo exhibition in Trubar Literature House in the centre of Ljubljana, presented a printed photo booklet and postcards made during this project. Each participant chose two to three pictures for the exhibition. The workshops were supported by Municipality of Ljubljana, culture space Trubarjeva hiša literature in Ljubljana, Primary school Valentin Vodnik in Ljubljana, Canon (SLO) and Sony (SLO).

Short films made by young participants of our film and photo works are available for the pre-view here>>>

Ljubljana, naša okolica (2min)

Delovni dan (3min)

Ljubljana is not New York (3min)

Dokubazaar2015 doc film fest in pictures>>>

Open call for Dokubazaar 2016 will be launched in April 2016_

Dokubazaar2015 doc film fest


Here comes the official program and screening schedule for Dokubazaar2015 doc film fest in Ljubljana /slo/@info on all 43 documentaries with stories from all around the world is now available below>>>

This is the only chance to see these newest docs in Ljubljana and in Slovenia@only at Dokubazaar2015!
See you at KlubGromka, SocialCenterRog and TrubarLiteratureHouse between the 21st - 23rd of Sept2015#entrance free!@stay connected to DOKUBAZAAR news for more info in coming days///

43 documentaries will be screened at Dokubazaar2015 in Ljubljana@screening schedule and info on all documentary films will be available on the 10th of Sept2015///

We are now preparing final programming and screening schedule for Dokubazaar2015 docFilmFest in Ljubljana#detailed program will be released on the 10th of Sept2015@entrance to all film screenings at 3 different venue in Ljubljana>>> KlubGromka, SocialCenterRog and TrubarHouseOfLiterature will be free///

DOKUBAZAAR 2015 will take place between the 21st - 23rd of September 2015!

More info coming soon>>>
Call for documentary film entries to DOKUBAZAAR 2015 is now open until the 1st of August 2015_

Entry form is available here>>>


Open call for entries to Dokubazaar 2015 will be launched in the mid of April 2015. More info and Entry form will be published in coming weeks.


Dokubazaar is on the move to the north and will be part of OSLOKORTFILMBY2015 international short film project between the 8th and 9th of March 2015 at art and culture venue Kulturhuset located on Youngstorget street nr. 3 in the centre of Oslo (NORWAY). Entrance to the screenings is free of charge to all audiences.


Dokubazaar 2014 is now completed. Big thanks goes to the great audiences of our little festival in Ljubljana who had come to the screenings, wonderful location >>> Klub Gromka >>> and all participating film directors with their very interesting film titles from all around the world who all together had been "DOKUBAZAAR 2014" between the 27th - 29th of October 2014.

Official programme for Dokubazaar 2014 is now available here>


Festivals' selection for DOKUBAZAAR2014 is running and official programming with information on all selected documentary films will be released on the 17th of October 2014.

DOKUBAZAAR2014 is scheduled to take place between the 27th - 29th of October 2014 at festivals' traditional hosting location KLUB GROMKA in the centre of Ljubljana (SLO).

More info coming soon...


Official CALL for the documentary film entries to DOKUBAZAAR 2014 is now closed. More than 60 documentary films from many different countries have been submitted to the selection round for the festival's final programming. Official selection will be released in the beginning of October 2014 and the festival is scheduled to take place during three days in the last week of October 2014 at Klub Gromka in Ljubljana.

More information about the preparations will be available soon...


Open CALL for doc film entries to DOKUBAZAAR 2014 is now open until the 31st of May 2014

ENTRY FORM is now available here below_


DOKUBAZAAR moves to Graz (AUT) and will be part of GRAZ SHORT FILM NIGHT 2013 with its documentary film selection from DOKUBAZAAR2013. The whole film event in Graz is scheduled to take place between the 11th and 12th of November 2013 at art cinema Filmzentrum im Rechbauerkino.


DOKUBAZAAR 2013 will present final selection of 32 creative documentary films in Klub Gromka at  Metelkova Art Zone in the centre of Ljubljana www.klubgromka.org between the 30th of September and the 2nd of October 2013. Official programming and screening schedule is now available >here<

Entrance to the scheduled screenings in Klub Gromka is free. All documentary films will be screened in original languages with English subtitles, starting at 4pm all three festival days.


Official programming and festivals' final selection for the upcoming 5th edition of DOKUBAZAAR will be released on the 20th of September 2013_more info coming soon>>>


Call for the entries to DOKUBAZAAR 2013 is now over. More than 70 documentary film submissions from all around the world had been submitted to the selection round for the upcoming 5th edition of independent & transnational documentary film festival DOKUBAZAAR. Festival's final selection is now under construction. Official programming, screening schedule and locations for DOKUBAZAAR 2013 will be released in the beginning of September 2013.


Call for entries to DOKUBAZAAR 2013 is now open until the 31st of MAY 2013. Application form with regulations is available here.

DOKUBAZAAR is a transnational documentary film happening for local, regional and international audiences and filmakers. Festival is non – commercial and non – competitive. Its 5th edition will take place in Ljubljana (SLO) in September/October 2013 and in other European cities in coming season 2013/2014. More information coming soon...


DOKUBAZAAR2012 final transnational retrospective will take place in Graz (AUT) on the 8th and 9th of February 2013 at Filmzentrum im Rechbauerkino. Entrance to the screenings is free.


DOKUBAZAAR2012 is now on the move with its transnational retrospective screenings planned to take place in Oslo (NOR) as a part of OSLO SHORT CUTS 2012 on the 17th of November 2012. Festivals' educational selection of 12 documentary films in Eastern European focus will be presented to wide Oslo audiences at CINEMATEKET in Oslo.


4th edition of our documentary film festival in Ljubljana in now succesfully finnished, but already ready with preparations for the upcoming edition planned for September/October 2013. Thanks to all participating filmakers and great audiences who attended the screenings at Klub Gromka this week.


DOKUBAZAAR 2012 will present final selection of 43 creative documentary films from more than 20 different countries at the traditional festivals' hosting location Klub Gromka located in  Metelkova Art Zone on Metelkova street in the centre of Ljubljana www.klubgromka.org between the 1st and 3rd of October 2012. Official programming and detailed screening schedule is now available here.

Entrance to all film screenings in Klub Gromka is free. All films will be screened in original languages with English subtitles.


Open call for submissions to the 4th edition of transnational independent documentary film festival DOKUBAZAAR is now closed. In total 110 documentary films of all styles and lengths from 31 different countries ranging from Poland, Germany, UK, Portugal, Turkey, USA, Canada, Chile, Bolivia, Haiti, Mali, Egypt, Latvia, Russia, Croatia, Israel to Iran, Iraq, Austalia, Papua New Guinea and many other countries had arrived to the festivals' adress until the closing date of open call for entries set for the end of July 2012. Big thanks to all film directors/authors who have found their way for the pre – selection round of DOKUBAZAAR 2012! Selected works and detailed programming will be released in the mid of September 2012.

Festivals' main screenings will take place during 3 festival days between the 1st and 3rd of October 2012 at traditional festivals' hosting location KLUB GROMKA at art centre Metelkova in the centre of Ljubljana.

Additional transnational educational screenings and presentations of the festival are also planned to take place later in Oslo (NOR) and Graz (AUT) where selected retrospective programming from DOKUBAZAAR 2012 will be introduced to wide European audiences between October 2012 and March 2013. Detailed programming of DOKUBAZAAR ON TOUR selected retrospectives will be released on festivals' website continually after the screenings in Ljubljana.

All festivals' screenings will be as always free of charge to all audiences.

More information coming soon...

Call for entries to DOKUBAZAAR 2012 is now open until the 31st of July 2012. Application form with regulations is available here.

DOKUBAZAAR is an international, independent and anthropological documentary artfilm forum for local, regional and international audiences and filmakers. Festival is non – commercial and non – competitive. Its 4th edition is about to take place in Ljubljana (SLO) and other European cities in September/October 2012. More information coming soon...


DOKUBAZAAR goes now to Graz (AUT). Festivals' retrospective will be presented to wide Graz audiences in the art cinema FILMZENTRUM IM RECHBAUERKINO on Monday the 6th of February 2012. Screening schedule for Graz is now available here.


DOKUBAZAAR goes to Oslo (NOR). Festivals' retrospective is being presented to Oslo audiences in CINEMATEKET on Monday the 26th of September 2011. Detailed programming of the screenings in Oslo is now available here


DOKUBAZAAR 2011 will present final selection of 49 documentary and short films from 27 different countries in Klub Gromka on Metelkova in Ljubljana www.klubgromka.org between the 19th and 21st of September 2011. Official programming is now available here.

Entrance to all film screenings in Klub Gromka is free. All films will be screened in original languages with English subtitles.

Supporting event of the festival – photo exhibition VARIATIONS OF HOME by young Finnish artist Maria Kankkunen from Helsinki – will be installed in the gallery of Celica on Metelkova in Ljubljana www.souhostel.com between the 13th and 30th of September 2011. More information about the exhibition in now available here.


Open call for the submissions to DOKUBAZAAR 2011 is now closed. More than 100 documentary films from 33 different countries ranging from Russia, Finland, Poland, Germany, UK, Portugal, Slovenia, Romania, Turkey, USA, Canada, Argentina, Uganda, Cameroun to Australia, Iran, India, Japan and many more countries had arrived to the festivals' adress until the closing date of open call for entries. Thanks to all film directors who had sent their creative documentary works from all corners of the world for the selection round of DOKUBAZAAR 2011! Selected works and detailed programming will be released in the end of August 2011.

Festivals' screenings are planned to take place during 3 festival days between the 19th and 21st of September 2011 at traditional festivals' location KLUB GROMKA in the centre of Ljubljana. Special focus of DOKUBAZAAR 2011 will be given to the Finnish contemporary short and documentary cinema. All festivals' screenings will be free of charge.

Supporting event of the festival will be a photo exhibition VARIATIONS OF HOME which will introduce selected photo works from Helsinki based Finnish photographer Maria Kankkunen to Ljubljana audiences. The exhibition will be installed in Hostel Celica on Metelkova between the 13th and 30th of September 2011. More information about this exhibition coming soon.

Additional educational screenings and presentations of the festival are also planned to take place later in Oslo (NOR), Graz (AUT) and Vienna (AUT) where the selected retrospective programming from DOKUBAZAAR 2011 will be introduced to wide European audiences between September 2011 – March 2012. Detailed programming of DOKUBAZAAR ON TOUR retrospectives will be released on festivals' website continually after the screenings in Ljubljana. 


Call for entries for DOKUBAZAAR 2011 is now open until the 31st of July, 2011.
Entry form is available here.


We are glad to announce that DOKUBAZAAR's educational retrospective will be hosted in Cinema Neuf in in the centre of Oslo (NOR) on 12th of November 2010. Entrance to all screenings is free.


In connection with DOKUBAZAAR festival in Ljubljana ZOOM NORWAY documentary photo exhibition is going to be organized. Works from 4 Norwegian photographers will be installed in the gallery spaces of CELICA on Metelkova street nr. 8 between the 1st and 31st of October. Opening of the exhibition will take place on Monday the 1st of October at 19.00 in the hosting gallery in Metelkova mesto. Alltogether 25 photo works from different photo projects of 4 participating Norwegian artists will be presented in Ljubljana. More information about this exhibition (in Slovenian and English) is available here.


Official program of DOKUBAZAAR 2010 is now available here.

45 documentary films from 24 different countries will be screened during 3 festival days in KLUB GROMKA between the 4th and the 6th of October in Ljubljana. Entrace to all screenings is FREE.

Additional festival screenings and presentations DOKUBAZAAR ON TOUR are planned to be organized also during the festivals' visits in Oslo and in Vienna. Programming of festivals' screenings on tour will be available later.


ZOOM NORWAY photo exhibition introducing Norwegian documentary photography will be organized as a supporting event of DOKUBAZAAR international documentary festival in Ljubljana. Four Norwegian photographers will present their documentary works in the gallery spaces of CELICA on Metelkova street  between the 1st of October and the 31st of October 2010. More information about ZOOM NORWAY photo exhibition will be available soon.


Thanks to all film directors who had submitted their creative documentary films for the pre – selection round of DOKUBAZAAR 2010 until the closing date of the official call for the film entries.

In total 111 documentary films of different lengths from 31 countries were submitted to DOKUBAZAAR. Official selection and festival programming will be announced until the end of September on our website.